About Us
Co-Founder and Former President, 1919-2018
The Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation is a worldwide, non-profit, non-partisan educational organization which offers reliable information on the nature, propaganda and goals of atheistic Communism and socialist ideologies.
Founded in 1958 by Eleanor, Fred and Phyllis Schlafly together with Rev. C. Stephen Dunker, C.M., a missionary expelled from China by the Communists, the Foundation also covers secular attacks on faith and family values; supports the rule of law and constitutional government; upholds the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church, and exposes persecutions and abuses of human rights around the globe.
The Foundation's name honors Venerable Joseph Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary, a saintly hero who refused to compromise with the evils of Communism and endured 23 years of imprisonment and isolation. His letter blessing the work of our organization is found here.
Pope Pius XI's famous encyclical "Divini Redemptoris" remains the official teaching of the Catholic Church on Communism and it remains the Foundation's valuable guide for education, action and prayer.
See History for an overview of the history of the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation, including the award of a Gold Cross of Merit by the nation of Hungary to Liza Forshaw, leader of the Cardinal Mindszenty since 2012, in April 2023.