Archives: Mindszenty Reports

Target: The Catholic Church

Social justice warriors operating both inside and outside of the Church seek to push it leftward.

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Christmas Comes Early To Republicans

Exit polls show that Donald Trump’s upset victory in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign happened with the help of Catholic voters as well as non-college-educated whites in several crucial states.

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Why Family Matters: Just Look At Our High Schools

New research underscores the profound impact of family structure on school performance. Having married parents is a better predictor of graduating from high school than income or race.

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George Soros And World Disorder

One of the world’s richest men has chosen to use his wealth to fund a vast network of left-wing groups hostile to law enforcement, capitalism, immigration controls, counterterrorism and the right to be born.

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Black Lives Matter: Revolutionaries, Not Reformers

The BLM movement started as a response to alleged (and often disproved) police brutality toward blacks, and has morphed into a well-funded radical group whose founders draw inspiration from a notorious 1970s revolutionary and murderer.

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Public Debt And Moral Bankruptcy

Politicians acceding to left-wing agitation and public sector unions have saddled the U.S. national, state and local governments with crushing long-term financial obligations in the form of public debt, unsustainable entitlement promises and unfunded pension plans.

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Venezuela: The Tragedy Of Socialism

Heartbreaking stories of hunger, looting, and babies dying in hospitals without electricity are emerging from the country with the largest oil reserves in the world, now a failed state due to socialist policies.

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How Scientific Dishonesty And Political Correctness Cost Women’s Lives

Facts about abortion and the Pill raising the risk of breast cancer have been concealed from women and their physicians.

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Reclaiming Christian Human Rights

The left has appropriated the language of human rights for its own purposes, including the supposed right of men to use women’s restrooms and the right to force bakers to make cakes for same-sex wedding receptions. But Christian thinkers throughout history have supplied a deeper theory of human rights, which was revitalized in the fight against communism and fascism in the 20th century and deserves attention in today’s religious liberty battles.

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The Rise And Eclipse Of Religious Liberty In America

Toleration hard-earned over centuries is threatened by new ‘rights’ colliding with Christian beliefs. The ACLU is on the forefront, now opposing even the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which it once supported.

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