Archives: Mindszenty Reports

The Ascendancy Of Radical Socialism

Sen. Bernie Sanders, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and various city council members illustrate the alarming ability of true socialists to attract votes despite a century of socialist failures around the world.

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America: Still A Great Nation

Domestic and foreign policy failures under President Obama should not blind us to what is still exceptional about the U.S.

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Lessons Isis Is Teaching Us The Hard Way

Recent Islamic State-affiliated terrorist attacks in Paris and California underscore the critical need for stricter immigration rules and education about the emergence of the terror network.

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Do Religious Voters Still Matter?

Emphatically yes, especially in Republican primaries, but they are declining as a share of the U.S. electorate. To win, Republican candidates need to appeal to voters based on economic and national security issues and not only social issues.

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Pope Francis, Capitalism And Social Justice

Our Argentine pope’s focus on helping the poor is admirable, but his sharp criticism of capitalism indicates a limited understanding of the power of free markets to lift people out of poverty.

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A New Crackdown On Chinese Christians

Chinese Communist government leaders, long deeply suspicious of Christianity and other religions, have ordered the destruction of more than 400 church crosses and the demolition of more than 60 Christian churches in 2014 and 2015. Catholic and Protestant clergy and worshippers in China have strongly protested. Despite the history of persecution, there appear to be more Christians than Communist Party members in China.

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Race And The Culture Of Death: Videos Reveal The Dark Underbelly Of The Abortion Industry

Recent undercover videos of Planned Parenthood activities in selling baby parts reveal the dark underbelly of the abortion industry, which has unsavory roots in eugenic ideology.

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Putinism And The New World Order

Under its authoritarian leader Vladimir Putin, Russia has left communism behind in favor of an anti-American, anti-democratic nationalism allied with the Russian Orthodox Church. The nuclear-armed Russia continues to pose a threat to its European neighbors and to its internal dissidents.

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What’s Wrong With Today’s Universities?

U.S. higher education engages in Orwellian speech control to promote left-wing ideology. Meanwhile, college costs and student debt burdens have soared, and international test scores show American students lagging behind their peers in other countries. Donors should demand better results for their money.

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Steady Progress In Countering The Evil Of Abortion

Valiant work by pro-life activists, advances in medical imaging of unborn babies, and incremental legislation in the last few years have changed public attitudes toward abortion in the U.S. The falling abortion rate, shifts in poll numbers, and passage of hundreds of carefully targeted bills should give hope to pro-lifers.

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