The ever-increasing reach of the federal executive branch, from lawless presidential executive orders to out-of-control regulatory agencies, violates the American constitutional separation of powers.
Archives: Mindszenty Reports
Ferguson And The Rule Of Law: Rhetoric Of Racial Division Foments Violence
Irresponsible reporting of deaths of men resisting arrest undermines policing and leads to more crime.
Engineering Babies: Surrogate Motherhood Undermines The Nuclear Family
The growing practice of renting poor women’s wombs violates Catholic doctrine of the family and often deprives the child of a mother’s love.
A Grisly Harvest In China: Religious Persecution Persists Amid Reports Of Sales Of Prisoners’ Organs
While leaders in the United States and Western Europe rightfully denounce human violations in the Middle East and Africa, they turn a blind eye to China.
The Catholic Church And The Immigration Crisis: Good Intentions, Troubling Consequences
The immigration crisis became all too visible this summer with the flood of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing the U.S. southern border.
Some Good News About Today’s Youth
We hear so much discouraging news about today’s youth that it’s worth pausing a moment to look at some of the good news that is beginning to leak out.
British Jihadists: What The West Should Fear
The failure of multiculturalism in the West is leading to more home-grown terrorists.
Cuba’s War On Women Mirrors A Wider War On Human Rights
Cuba’s female prisoners are systematically beaten, tortured and starved.
Obamacare’s Collision With Religious Liberty
Obamacare extended centralized power in an unprecedented way.
North Korea: Communism At Its Worst
A United Nations body shines a light on the murderous Communist North Korea regime.