Archives: Mindszenty Reports

A Collapsible Tent: The Republican Roosevelt And Progressive Reform

A disturbing analysis of the traces the intellectual lineage of the Republican establishment that dates back to the Republican Roosevelt. Since then his RINOS have undermined most conservative attempts to restore the culture, return the country to economic solvency and re-establish the constitutional government.

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Enemies Of The Cross: The Battle Between The City Of God And The City Of Man

A warning from St. Paul unsettles the Church 2,000 years later. From Nero through Niccolo Machiavelli to Saul Alinsky the enemies of the cross have been legion. The battle continues to rage between the City of God and the City of Man.

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Death By Government: China And Its Great Leap Forward, 1958-62

An eye-opening account of brutality, torture, terror and mass murders by governments including the Ukraine, Tibet, Cambodia and the Holocaust, but focuses on China under Chairman Mao. With flowery names of communist deadly reforms, the Chinese people were stripped of their traditions, family structure and economic livelihoods. As One World governance and universal green energy policies expand, America should beware.

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The Long Blue Line: The Politics Of Abortion And The Komen Foundation

A history of Planned Parenthood and its radical founder, Margaret Sanger who declared charity for the poor to be “a moral evil” and embraced eugenics and racism in attempt to create “a race of thoroughbreds”. The report traces the link between Planned Parenthood and abortion, breast cancer and the Susan G. Komen Foundation

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The Last Man Standing: Vladimir Putin, Russia And Its White Revolution

A penetrating look at Russian Premier Vladimir Putin, his communist and KGB background, as well as his personal life; with social upheaval and stagnant economy challenging Putin’s authoritarian regime, he proclaims the rise of a new Russia with imperial overtones.

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Stalin’s Killing Fields: The Soviet Union And The Katyn Forest Massacre

A review of one of the biggest World War II cover-ups, the Katyn Forest Massacre where over 4,000 Polish soldiers, officers and civilians were brutally murdered by the Soviets. This shameful act was protected by Churchill and Roosevelt with a strategy of silence.

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A Journey To Sainthood: The Living Legacy Of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

…recalls the inspirational and sometimes surprising life of Bishop Sheen who exemplified fervent evangelization of God’s truth through his clear and concise scholarship. But it was from the secular pulpit of radio and TV that he did most for the salvation of souls. Can sainthood be far behind?

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Books For The Mind, Heart And Soul

Our annual list of recommended reading offers great suggestions for personal edification and gift-giving in categories of faith, history, government and culture.

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A Rosebud Moment: The Roots Of President Obama’s Driving Ambition

This report probes the motivating forces behind Barack Obama’s ideology. In addition to the many socialists and radical Marxists who profoundly influenced him, Obama’s genetic rage is even more of a factor in his plan for leveling the U.S.

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No Higher Power: Obama’s War On Religious Freedom

A question and answer format excerpted from one of our Dangers of Apathy radio interviews with Phyllis Schlafly. Her In-depth responses reveal President Obama’s war on religious freedom. As told in her new book No Higher Power, Obama continues to violate or ignore the U.S. Constitution and is following Europe in abolishing all public forms and displays of religion.

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