Archives: Mindszenty Reports

The Last Centurion: Obamacare And The Catholic Health Care Dilemma

Catholic hospitals have been serving the sick since 1849. But the thousands of present day Catholic hospitals are in a fatal tug-o-war with ObamaCare and the secular culture of death. A review of some of the battles are presented in this Report and the need for more church leaders such as Cardinal O’Malley and Bishop Olmstead who are stemming the assaults against the Catholic health care system.

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The February Presidents: Portraits In Presidential Greatness

The effect of government’s changing the birthdates of our Presidents to one single holiday in February denigrates the exceptionalism of Washington, Lincoln and Reagan; the character, leadership and faith of these men succinctly summarized and provide us with important reminders of their accomplishments, instead of reminders to patronize the plethora of commercial sales for the ill-conceived “Presidents’ Day”

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The Chameleon Identity: Obama And His Many Political Disguises

This report puts all the pieces together to show the many faces of Barack Obama. His “new socialism” is bringing down the pillars of capitalism; his extensive alliances with stealth groups, left-wing individuals, communist mentors including his own father, explain his persona. Churches have naively funded Obama’s secular agenda and need to wake up.

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The First Coming: The True Meaning Of Christmas

…a look at the historical and religious background of Christ-Mass, citing the cultural “war on Christmas” which is stripping away the religious foundation of our most beloved holiday. The wisdom of Bishop Fulton Sheen stresses the sharing of the divinity that came to man in Bethlehem and the vital, yet misunderstood, role of Mary as the human vessel for the Son of God

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The Apple And The Crescent: The Ground Zero Mosque And The Muslim Mind

…The resurgence of Islam, President Obama’s overtures to Muslims, and who and what is behind the controversial plan to erect a mosque and community center at the Twin Towers site in New York City is meticulously detailed in this report. The historical roots of Islam and the cohesion of Islamic politics, religion and military branches are not understood by most Americans.

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Would-be Kings: Obama And The Divine Right Of Office

…Is a thought provoking look at the age-old ruling instinct of man. In today’s ruling class, Obama and his fellow elitists consider themselves the “best and the brightest”, radically changing the perception of equality, plundering the Constitution and establishing vise-like control on the “inferior” and “backward” American citizens.

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The Best And The Brightest

…People still read books in this Internet age, especially our well-informed CMF members. Our list of recommended books offers a great selection of reading material, categorized by topic, deserving of your consideration for your edification and gift giving to others.

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A Fire In The Theater: Hate Speech, Elena Kagan And The First Amendment

…dissects President Obama’s Marxist attack on a major constitutional safeguard for American liberty, freedom of speech.. Political correctness, revolutionary tolerance, and hate speech are powerful tools used to make Americans fearful of what they say, write and think. The new Supreme Court Judge Elena Kagan’s leftist mindset and her views on the 1st Amendment portend future worrisome court decisions.

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The Mad Hatters: The Tea Party Movement And Its Impact On American Politics

…a comparison of the origin and goals of today’s Tea Party movement to the historical and revolutionary beginnings of the 1773 Boston Tea Party. The hypocrisy and deceit of present-day political leaders taking from one segment of the population to give to others is morally wrong.

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Green Acres: The Leftist Elite And The Arrogance Of Power

…connects today’s liberal elitism to the heretical roots of gnostism which demotes religion but promotes scientific revolution; with the help of the Obama regime and other elitists, this modern paganism has seeped deeply into American culture.

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