Archives: Mindszenty Reports

An American Crucible: Barrack Obama And America’s Two Great Debates

…Our nation’s early history contained a debate between two philosophical approaches to government. During the time the socialist-minded Obama has been president, his policies of punitive taxation, excessive spending, ignoring of the Constitution and belligerent attitude toward the eternal values, American exceptionalism has been diminished.

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The World Of New Books

…This is our annual list of new books which provide information and inspiration categorized under the headings of FAITH, HISTORY, GOVERNMENT and CULTURE.

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The Gramsci Stratagem The Blessed Mother And The Feminist Attack On Women

…The Marxist philosophy of Italian communist Antonio Gramsci and of today’s feminist authors supplies the formula for destroying the West through a cultural war on the family. Women are the central target. The Blessed Virgin Mary’s vital role in the Divine Plan and her great power over all devils provide an antidote for modern feminism.

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American Hubris: Communism And The Manipulation Of The American Left

…Reveals the ideological successes of the progressives in the early 20th century. It led to Communism’s false rhetoric, duping many, such as educators and political leaders. We are still being duped by present-day leaders who violate the U.S. Constitution in the name of social justice.

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A White House Nursery Rhyme: President Obama And The Middle East

…Shows President Obama’s lack of experience in foreign affairs, especially his predisposition toward the Arab world and his uncritical stance regarding Islamic organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood.

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The Invisible Constitution: The Judicial Philosophy Of Barack Obama

The Judicial Philosophy of Barack Obama contradicts the true meaning of individual liberty and limits on government, which is the purpose of the Constitution. It is not the re-distribution of wealth, which is the heart of Obama’s judicial philosophy.

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Crooked Timber: Barack Obama’s Ideological Family Tree

…This Report questions Obama’s parentage, country of origin, religious affiliation and intellectual formation. While the mainstream media ignores these issues, the specter of communism and anti-Americanism looms over Obama’s political agenda.

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The Last Centurion: Obamacare And The Catholic Health Care Dilemma

Catholic hospitals have been serving the sick since 1849. But the thousands of present day Catholic hospitals are in a fatal tug-o-war with ObamaCare and the secular culture of death. A review of some of the battles are presented in this Report and the need for more church leaders such as Cardinal O’Malley and Bishop Olmstead who are stemming the assaults against the Catholic health care system.

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The February Presidents: Portraits In Presidential Greatness

The effect of government’s changing the birthdates of our Presidents to one single holiday in February denigrates the exceptionalism of Washington, Lincoln and Reagan; the character, leadership and faith of these men succinctly summarized and provide us with important reminders of their accomplishments, instead of reminders to patronize the plethora of commercial sales for the ill-conceived “Presidents’ Day”

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The Chameleon Identity: Obama And His Many Political Disguises

This report puts all the pieces together to show the many faces of Barack Obama. His “new socialism” is bringing down the pillars of capitalism; his extensive alliances with stealth groups, left-wing individuals, communist mentors including his own father, explain his persona. Churches have naively funded Obama’s secular agenda and need to wake up.

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