Questions why there is such ignorance of American history and successful capitalism. Using the weapons of political correctness, multiculturalism and victimhood, the poisonous tenets of cultural Marxism have been absorbed by many churches, businesses and schools, as deconstruction and bashing of American traditions and successes continue.
Archives: Mindszenty Reports
The Puppet Masters: George Soros And The Obama Administration
The meteoric rise of Barack Obama to the pinnacle of political power despite his woeful lack of leadership experience, lends credence to someone pulling strings like a puppeteer. All the signs point to the leftist/atheist George Soros. His background and ties with Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has earned the ruthless Emanuel the title of “The Insider Soros.”
The Miracle Of Guadalupe And The Dark Night Of Obama
…Citing our ever-increasing cultural darkness, this dramatic and inspiring account of Our Lady’s appearance in the Western Hemisphere provides hope for America, the Church and the World.
The The Shadow Cabinet: Obamas Dance Around The U.S. Constitution
…President Obama’s appointment of 30+ czars- their radicalism is clearly documented- has created a shadow cabinet accountable to no one but Obama, and were not properly scrutinized. His continued consolidation of executive power and “dance” around the Constitution should alarm Americans.
The War On Words: The Obama Administration And The Silencing Of Its Critics
…traces the attempt to censor media back to FDR and how the left succeeded in creating a liberal monopoly; explains the Obama Administration’s determination to silence conservative talk radio through Chicago thuggery and the power of the presidency.
Healthy Food For Thought
…Just as important as food for our bodies is food for the mind in the form of great reading. Our annual Recommended Book List (19 reviews) is categorized under headings of Faith, History, Government and Culture for easy reference.
A Spoonful Of Sugar: The Socialization Of The American Health System
…Our health system is flawed, not broken, can be fixed without the radical socialism of Obamacare; Canada’s expensive, over-burdened system not a good model; Obamacare will ration care, include abortion, euthanasia and government in total control, mandates that are virtually hidden in this massive one thousand plus page bill. Churches should be especially concerned over the life issues.
The Green Monster: Socialism And The Environmental Movement
…Cites the political-socialist-neo Marxist theories that have created today’s radical environmentalism. Fear mongering, government coercion, junk science and “green” president have propagandized the American people. Several good books with accurate scientific info are recommended.
The Lowest Common Denominator: The Obama Administration And Its Muscular Socialism
…traces the history of creeping socialism under FDR when the Great Depression was prolonged and America was de-railed from free enterprise; President Obama has accelerated socialism, quickly establishing the elements of European-style welfare state
Angels And Demons: A New Cinematic Assault On The Catholic Church
Still another anti-Catholic film presented by the “tag team of distortion”, producer Ron Howard and author Dan Brown, is dissected. The film’s melding of fact and fiction, the historical and scientific inaccuracies, the curious warnings about the Church’s involvement in conspiracies and secret societies, all suggest “Stay away from this movie!”