Archives: Mindszenty Reports

The Bassinet And The Ballot: Islam Cultural Invasion Of The West

Traces the centuries-long spread of Islam around the world, Muslim demographic and political trends that have turned European culture upside-down, affecting American culture, even religious beliefs. Challenges the West to resist Muslim imperialism through strong leadership and a re-affirmation of Christian values.

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An Olympic Warning: The Ominous Relationship Between The United States And China

Examines the method and motives of communist China government’s disregard for human standards and business ethics; safety and health violations resulting in almost daily recalls of a variety of products, continuing religious/ moral /political oppression, development of cyberspace weaponry, should cast a pall on the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

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A Harvest Of Books

A list of 22 CMF-recommended books catergorized under Faith, Government, History and Culture and for easy reference; also includes the current roster of radio stations airing our Dangers of Apathy radio program.

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The Politics Of Faith: Liberation Theology And Latin America

Traces the history of Liberation Theology from “enlightened” European thinking and theology to its spread in the 60’s and its adaptations in Latin America, already beset with many other menacing cultural problems; the Gospels are politicized to the extent that the poor are offered solutions of conflict and armed revolution, with or without Jesus Christ.

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Baby Steps: The North American Union And Global Governance

Incremental behind-the scenes steps toward global governance are threatening our national sovereignty; European Union was a stealth campaign, should be a warning for U.S. Yet NAFTA paved the way for even worse outcomes, the North American Union and the North American Highway which will virtually eliminate our borders.

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Global Warming: The End Of Civilization?

…provides scientific history of climate change cycles which refute the apocalyptic hysteria of some environmentalists. Al Gore is seen as the Green Guru of know-nothing celebrities, and we are cautioned about viewing global warming as a faith-based initiative.

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American Education: Beyond Frankfurt And Dewey

Traces the European origins of the radical intellectual forces that have impacted American education, the public schools’ failure to teach academics, truth and fixed moral laws, while promoting behavioral/psychological techniques and more federal/UN control.

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A Tangled Web: Slavery, Genocide And Christianity In Sudan

The tragic neglect by the United Nations and free nations to stop the genocide of the people in Sudan, Africa is documented here. The Sudanese government continues to persecute, enslave and slaughter its own people.

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A Geography Lesson: Vladimir Putin’s Russia And Its Geopolitical Landscape

In 1975 Vladimir Putin was recruited into the KGB; now 30-plus years he continues to control its successor: FSB (Federal Security Service). Thirteen dead journalists since Putin’s presidency in 2000: Safronov, Politkovskaya, Litvinenko, Khatloni, Klebnikov, and eight more. No convictions.

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An Infirmary Of Souls: Cultural Marxism And The Therapeutic State

Contrasts the historical theories of Freudian psychology and political/cultural Marxism with the Church’s teaching on sin, conscience and confession; decries our becoming a nation of “victims” in tribes of multi-cultural conflicting groups.

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