The “embryonic stem cell” exposition in this Report is extremely important. It concerns the killing of the human life embryo in order to cure a disease But the success rate of cure is ZERO! Don’t be fooled, misled, intimidated by big names, big money, big frauds.
Archives: Mindszenty Reports
Let’s Hit The Books!
Our annual list of recommended reading on subjects of concern covers a wide range of topics: Faith, History, Culture, and Government categorized for easy reference. This list has become a popular guide for our subscribers.
The Stygian Lifeboat: On The River Of Moral Relativism
The highly touted field of embryonic stem cell research is years behind where scientists thought it was, as a result of the Dr. Hwang’s hoax. Also, the serious moral question is the “new ethic” being used, namely “the end justifies the means”.
The Marxist Attack On America’s Cherished Symbols
Most Americans respect and cherish their religious and patriotic symbols. But today as never before there is an ongoing, vicious assault led by the ACLU to eliminate and destroy these endearing symbols
The Hollywood Gospel: And Its War On American Culture
Don’t check your Catholic principles at the box office!
The Davinci Code Code As A Symbol Of Anti-catholic Bigotry: The Meetinghouse
Dissects the book and movie, pointing out the author’s attempts to radically alter the Biblical accounts of Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection. We are challenged to know and defend the faith.
Broken Stained-glass Windows: The Dangers Of Catholic Apathy
Contains a powerful litany of problems within the Catholic Church, which concerned CMF members must pray and work for a solution.
Designer Religion: The New American Religion Of Choice
The New American Religion of Choice. “If it feels good, do it.” “The sense of the sacred is transferred to the human body.” “Under freedom of conscience anything goes.” Yet a truly religious person cannot serve both God and Mammon.
Sounds Of Silence: The Symbolic Persecution Of Pius XII
Documentation of Pius XII’s heroic efforts against Nazism and his major support in saving over half a million Jews from the death camps.
The Road To Rome: The Education Of Joseph A. Ratzinger
There are contrasts and similarities between the charismatic Pope John Paul II and the new Pope Benedict XVI. Each was nurtured on the full teachings of the Catholic faith; each matured with strong orthodoxy and unwavering love of the Catholic Church.