Archives: Mindszenty Reports


The Biden administration’s hope of renewing the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal canceled by President Trump is colliding with the reality that the leadership of Iran took a turn for the worse in 2021 with the selection of a revolutionary monster as president.

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China’s meaningless joinder of the November Glasgow Climate Pact represents yet another in a long line of deceptions by the communist regime bent on world domination.  Better U.S. policies toward China are possible than the weak, confusing messages emanating from the Biden administration.


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Joseph Schumpeter explained in 1947 that capitalism spawns a large intellectual class that makes its living by attacking the system of private property and freedom that is so necessary for the intellectual class’s existence.

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The U.S. Military is Going For Woke

The current leadership of the armed forces is so obsessed with diversity, equity, inclusion, critical race theory, women in combat, and hunting for white supremacists in the ranks that they have lost focus on mission competence.  Exhibit A:  the disgracefully botched pullout from Afghanistan.


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Biden Targets White Extremists: An Old Left-Wing Ploy

On little evidence, the Biden administration considers white supremacists a bigger domestic threat than Islamists or antifa. The left has been smearing conservatives as fascist extremists ever since the 1930s.

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Corporate America’s Role In The Progressive Takeover

Large corporations are increasingly aligned with big government and left-wing policies, as evidenced by campaign donations, social media censorship, crony capitalism, and support of “woke” policies and organizations. Resistance is not futile.

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Racial Indoctrination And Parental Backlash

Parents across the U.S. are rebelling against the toxic spread in schools of “critical race theory” and other so-called “anti-racist” programs.

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The Spiritual Path Of Blessed Karl

Two special guests describe the faithful life and cause for canonization of the last emperor of Austria and king of Hungary, whom Venerable Joseph Mindszenty considered a saint.

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The Normalization Of Big Lies In Politics

Shameless lies by politicians and their media enablers are a worsening problem, as indicated by a few recent examples.

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The Church And The Cult Of Xi Jinping

The Vatican will no longer exert any control over the appointment of Catholic bishops in China, which is increasingly using totalitarian methods to require fealty to President Xi and communism from China’s 100 million Christians as well as members of other religions.

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