Archives: Mindszenty Reports

Biden, Transgenderism, Women’s Sports And Moral Order

President Biden’s full-throated promotion of transgender rights at the federal level spells trouble for girls’ sports and female-only facilities. He should expect a backlash from outraged parents of daughters.

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Pope Francis And The Catholic World Order

His third encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, expresses a sincere concern for the poor in language that frequently sounds hostile to capitalism and private property.

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Pandemic And The War On Churches

Restrictive and discriminatory public health orders by governors of New York, California, Nevada and other states made it hard for churches and synagogues to function during the Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to the confirmation of Justice Barrett to the Supreme Court, religious institutions are belatedly obtaining relief in court.

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Looking To 2021: Populism Remains A Powerful Force

The mixed results of the November 2020 elections in the U.S. embarrassed the polling industry and revealed surprising new trends in voting patterns.

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Beware The Demons Of Revolution

Condoning recent Antifa-driven riots in U.S. cities is a dangerous game. Most revolutions end in bloody terror.

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A Guide To Issues In The 2020 Presidential Election

The two candidates present a stark contrast on every issue.

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What Catholic Children Should Be Taught

Catholic schools should teach children the inspiring stories of 20th-century martyrs, who outnumbered those of any previous century. Their courage and fortitude should not be forgotten.

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Confronting Revolutionaries

As anti-government radicals continue their often-violent, destructive protests in U.S. cities, they demonstrate far more kinship with post-Enlightenment revolutionaries than with the American Founders. Black Lives Matters’ Marxist, anti-police origins have not stopped large corporations and foundations from shoveling large sums of money at the movement. Concerned citizens can push back.

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What Is Happening To America Today?

Widespread May-June riots in big cities in response to officer-involved deaths of black criminal suspects are stoked by a false narrative about “systemic racism” and an ongoing left-wing takeover of the culture. Protesters’ goals of “defunding the police” and ending capitalism must be resisted.

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China And Covid-19: Lessons

China’s disastrous lies and cruel suppression of whistleblowers during the pandemic warrant pushback by the U.S.

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