Archives: Mindszenty Reports

The Perennial Virus Of Political Corruption

Long before the recent pork-laden U.S. spending bills to prop up the economy paralyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, corruption has eaten away at the body politic. Revelations of enrichment of current politicians and/or their family members through public office should shock us, though they might not shock the Founders.

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Can Higher Education Be Reformed?

U.S. colleges and universities are in the grip of radical professors and administrators with little tolerance for intellectual diversity. Pressure to improve can and sometimes does come from parents, donors, legislators and boards of trustees.

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China: A Sick Nation

Not only is China sick with the epidemic of the COVID-19 virus; it is culturally sick with intensifying repression of Christians, Muslims and Buddhists. Persecution of Catholics has worsened since the China’s 2018 secret accord with the Vatican.

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The Traditional Catholic Revival In Brazil

A Brazilian journalism student offers an inspiring report on the renewal of traditional Catholicism in Brazil, aided by some dedicated priests and many new lay-founded Catholic cultural centers.

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Social Conservatism, Millennials, And The Future

Surveys show worrying declines in the value placed by young people on patriotism, family and religion. Yet the U.S. has had a long history of religious revivals, and young Millennial Christians tend to be even more socially conservative than the older religious generation.

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Bioengineering Babies: The Spreading Sin Of Surrogacy

The decadent practices of purchasing women’s eggs and paying women to gestate human embryos are medically risky and violate the human rights of children and women. Many countries and three U.S. states appropriately ban commercial surrogacy, but a growing number of U.S. jurisdictions provide a safe haven for this lucrative see-no-evil industry.

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Progressive Prosecutors Are Damaging Law Enforcement

Numerous social justice warriors have been elected district attorney in large cities across the U.S., often with financial backing from George Soros. Their agenda: more lenient treatment of criminals. The consequences are predictable.

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The Left’s Latest Ploy For Power: Ending The Electoral College

The fashionable view that the Electoral College had racist origins is wrong about history, and the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact to circumvent the Electoral College is a bad and anti-constitutional idea.

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Nationalism, Politics And Christianity

Attempts to blame President Trump for mass shootings or killers motivated by “white nationalism” are reprehensible. There is nothing wrong with nationalism per se, as long as the God-given dignity of all humans is recognized.

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U.S. Democratic politicians are speeding toward extreme positions in favor of abortion anytime up to (or even after?) birth, funded by taxpayers. Nine state legislatures have responded with more restrictive laws, which will be tested in court, and the Trump administration has taken a number of pro-life actions.

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