Archives: Mindszenty Reports

Should College Be Free?

No, but colleges should be held accountable for the ever-increasing cost of a college education and the untenable burdens of debt they place on students.

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Nicaragua: A Marxist Lesson Repeated

Bloody crackdowns by dictator Daniel Ortega in the U.S.’s backyard illustrate the ruthlessness of socialist regimes.

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Schools In Chaos

For decades “disparate impact” legal theory has advanced the notion that race discrimination may be inferred from statistical outcomes.The Obama administration used this theory as a sword to slash public school disciplinary measures, leading to increased violent behavior and setting the stage for recent shocking school murders.

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The Transgendering Of Sex Education

Transgender activists, not content with expanding legal rights as detailed in the May Mindszenty Report, are promoting their ideology in the earliest grades of U.S. public elementary schools, with the help of generous corporate funding.

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Transgendered: When Rights Become Solipsistic

Using the heavy hand of government to enforce rights based on personal feelings is a dangerous precedent. The rapid development of transgender rights bodes ill for freedom of speech, religious expression and educational trends.

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Immigration And The Rise Of The European Right

Well-meaning leaders urging European citizens to embrace a flood of immigrants — including Pope Francis — have provoked a voter backlash. Populist, immigration-restrictionist parties recently gained ground in several countries, forcing establishment politicians to change their tune.

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The Erosion Of Church Authority

The Vatican’s Ominous Negotiations with Communist China.

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The Death Of Europe

Mass migration of non-Westerners is straining Western values.

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The Dark History Of Communism

Polls showing distressingly positive attitudes toward socialism in the U.S. should be a wakeup call about the dire need for education about the disastrous history of communism and socialism, including nearly 100 million deaths.

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Christmas: A Celebration Of Giving

America, which was settled and founded on aspirational Christian principles, boasts an inspiring level of charitable giving and volunteerism, outranking all other countries in the Western world.

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