Archives: Mindszenty Reports

Appeasing Rioters Is A Bad Strategy

On urban streets and on campuses, leaders who should know better are failing to stand up for law and order. Reactions to the September acquittal of a former St. Louis policeman accused of murdering a black criminal suspect are instructive.

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Southern Poverty Law Center And Left-wing Hate

The mega-wealthy SPLC milks corporations for million-dollar donations while branding reputable conservative organizations and individuals as hate groups or extremists.

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What You Need To Know About Terrorism & Surveillance

Future Islamist-inspired terrorist attacks on U.S. soil are inevitable. We must demand better vetting of immigrants and the depoliticization of intelligence-gathering.

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Preventing Nuclear War In A Nuclear World

The 50th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the failures of former President Obama’s strategic policies, remind us that the best policy is peace through strength.

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American Patriotism Divided

Liberals and young adults report less national pride in recent national surveys, pointing to the importance of restoring civics education.

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As The Left Fiddles, North Korea Goes Nuclear

North Korea’s murderous communist regime continues to make advances in nuclear weaponry that threaten the United States, South Korea and Japan.

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Left-wing Authoritarianism: An Old Tyranny In New Clothes

Violent mobs have shut down right-wing speakers on several campuses in early 2017, extending a long history of leftist intolerance for those who disagree with them. We must demand better from our universities.

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The Church, Pope Francis And Population Control

Paul Ehrlich’s February appearance at a Vatican-approved conference bolstered perceptions that the pope is in league with radical environmentalists as well as anti-capitalists.

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Fake Morality: The United Nations Vs. Israel

In his final month in office, President Obama slapped Israel in the UN, adding to the latter’s sordid history of moral failures and abetting anti-Israel activism on U.S. campuses.

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Politics And The Quicksand Of Popular Culture

U.S. Republicans’ electoral gains in November 2016 do not change the need for vigilance about the left’s iron grip on TV, film and music, which influence the young who are future voters.

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